( Janelle Monae bassist Teja on Sensaphonics 3MAX: the cure for the common acrylic)



ジャネール・モネイのベーシストであるテハ《Téja—Téja Veal》は自身の経験からこのことを知っています。

(★)Janelle Monáe ジャネール・モネイ






最近シカゴで行われたジャネール・モネイのショーの前に、 バンドとクルーのメンバーは、センサフォニックスのクラウディア・ペイン(アーティストリレーションズ:アーティスト担当)とローラ・シンノット博士(Au.D.)と面談しました。そこでローラ・シンノット博士と聴覚の健康とインイヤーモニターについて話し合いました。ディスカッションの中でテハは、特にステージ上で遮音を維持することの難しさについて、いくつかの質問や懸念事項を持ち出しました。










「まず、耳の中に入っていることを忘れちゃうほどなの。とっても快適よ。そして、ベースの音がとてもいいの。ステージではアンプを使ってるから、キャブを通して低音を感じるわ。 でも、今では“自分の低音”が”自分の耳”から聞こえるようになったの。高い遮音性のおかげで音量を上げる必要がないの。




「ジャネール・モネイのツアーに参加していない時は、アトランタで自分の音楽に取り組んでいるの。数年前、自分のためだけにカバー曲を集めたEPを出したの」と彼女は話します。それは『The Hopeless Romantic』というネーミングで無料ダウンロードできるの。今はオリジナル曲に取り組んでいて、来年リリースしたいと思っているわ。」


『The Hopeless Romantic』


《Téja—Téja Veal》

マイアミ出身のテハ(現アトランタ在住)は、16歳でギグを始めた。ベーシストでありヴォーカリスト。ビッグバンド・ジャズ出身で、心はオールドスクールのソウルだが、あらゆる音楽の形を受け入れて独自のスタイルを確立している。フランク・マッコム(Frank McComb)や、グラミー賞ノミネートのミュージック・ソウルチャイルド(Musiq Soulchild)、ジャネール・モネイ(Janelle Monae)などの有名なアーティストとのツアーにも参加している。現在はジャネール・モネイのツアー・ベーシストとして帯同している。顔がチャームポイントとして慕われている。

《Téja—helloim Téja》HP

One of the most common problems for touring musicians is losing the seal on their custom acrylic in-ear monitors. The result is a loss of low frequencies – obviously a huge issue for bass players. Téja, the bassist for Janelle Monae, knows this from personal experience.

“It’s a real distraction on stage, because we depend on our in-ears,” she says. “It was frustrating, because they sounded good when the isolation was there, but the seal would always pop when I was singing, or even just smiling too big, and I would lose all the bass response. I had them remade several times, but nothing helped.”

Before a recent Janelle Monae show in Chicago, band and crew members met with Sensaphonics personnel Claudia Pyne (artist relations) and Dr. Laura Sinnott, Au.D., about hearing health and in-ear monitors. During the discussion, Téja brought up some of her questions and concerns, especially regarding her difficulty in maintaining a seal on stage. She was excited to learn about the flexible soft silicone in Sensaphonics earpieces, which provide significantly more isolation and a stronger, more persistent seal.

“When Claudia showed us these soft, pliable molds that fit deep into the ear canal, I was like, ‘this is what I’ve been wanting!’ Until that moment, I didn’t even know that soft molds existed,” says Téja.

After listening to and loving the accurate, neutral response of a Sensaphonics dual-driver sample, Téja ordered the 3MAX triple-driver, single crossover model designed to deliver a little extra bass sound. She reports that the isolation, comfort, and sound quality are everything she had hoped for.

“With Janelle, I’m singing background as well as playing bass, so both bass clarity and vocal clarity are very important, and the 3MAX gives me both,” she says. “They’re very balanced, and the mid-register is great. And since I never lose my seal now, I can actually hear what I’m playing. I’m really excited about it.”

The other thing Téja appreciates about Sensaphonics is the company’s focus on hearing health. “Ear health has always been a secret panic of mine,” she admits. “As a musician, the possibility of losing your hearing is just a horrible thought. So knowing these monitors truly support healthy hearing really matters a lot to me.”

Asked about how the 3MAX affects her on stage, Téja explains: “First, they’re very comfortable – like I forget they’re in my ear. And my bass sounds great. I use my amps on stage and can feel the bass through the cabs, but now I can actually hear my bass notes through my ears, and the isolation means I don’t have to turn up my volume as much. Our monitor engineer always looks at my pack and he’s like, ‘Really? You’re volume is so low!’ And I’m just like, ‘But I hear it really well!’ And I do. With my old system, after a two-hour show, my ears would be ringing. Now, when I take my monitors out, my ears aren’t ringing and I don’t feel so fatigued. It’s a blessing.”

When she’s not on the road with Janelle Monae, Téja is usually in Atlanta, working on her own music. “A couple years ago, I put out an EP of covers, just for myself,” she explains. “It’s called The Hopeless Romantic, and you can download it for free. Now I’m working on original music, which I hope to release next year. It’s a new direction for me, just growing as an artist and moving forward. And I can tell you, whatever the future brings, my Sensaphonics will be with me.”


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