2月13日に、米国労働安全衛生研究所(NIOSH)と全米聴覚保護協会(NHCA)によって、アトランタで開催された第1回Safe-In-Sound Awardsが発表されました。センサフォニックスは、難聴予防のイノベーション賞を受賞致しました。センサフォニックスの社長であり創設者であるマイケル・サントゥッチ博士は受賞スピーチで、「我々はこの受賞を誇りに思います」と述べました。

On February 13 in Atlanta, the first annual Safe-In-Sound Awards were presented by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) and the National Hearing Conservation Association (NHCA). We are proud to announce that Sensaphonics won the Innovation in Hearing Loss Prevention award.
According to the awards committee, Sensaphonics was selected for its “culture of innovation and pioneering efforts in combining products, audiology services and education in raising awareness of hearing loss prevention in the music industry, among audiologists and to the general public.” Notably, we were the only manufacturer of hearing-related products to be honored.
Sensaphonics president and founder Michael Santucci, Au.D., was on hand to accept the award. “This is an incredible honor,” he said. “It shows that we’ve been doing the right things: creating new products, using new technologies, educating our customers and helping them achieve longer, healthier careers by preserving their hearing health.”