(Music community rallies in support of World Hearing Day)


Sensaphonics helps drive awareness of hearing wellness through industry outreach.

(Chicago, IL – March 4, 2016) In celebration of World Hearing Day 2016, hearing wellness expert Sensaphonics reached out to a star-studded array of musicians to help raise awareness of the importance of hearing health among online fans. Participating artists included Coldplay, Maroon 5, Dave Matthews Band, Lisa Loeb, OK Go, The Lumineers, and Umphrey’s McGee. Their social media posts on Twitter and Facebook used #HearingDay and #RespectYourEars hashtags along with hearing-related messages.

Building momentum from Sensaphonics’ artist outreach, World Hearing Day messages went out to an audience estimated at over 60 million people. Tracking activity throughout the day, Sensaphonics documented over 15, 000 Likes and 2, 000 shares/re-tweets from artist posts alone. Additional musicians, sound engineers, audiologists, and organizations like Audio Engineering Society joined in, with fans liking and sharing, thus extending the campaign’s reach deep into social media networks.

World Hearing Day is part of the Make Listening Safe campaign, a global outreach program of the World Health Organization (WHO). They note that among young people 12-35, nearly 50% listen to personal audio devices at unsafe levels, and 40% are exposed to damaging levels at nightclubs, bars, and sporting events. The theme for World Hearing Day 2016 was ‘Childhood hearing loss: act now, here is how.’

Sensaphonics president and founder, Dr. Michael Santucci, is recognized globally as an expert and advocate for hearing wellness in the music industry. He was an invited presenter at the 2015 WHO/ITU Joint Consultation on Safe Listening Devices in Geneva, Switzerland.

“Events like World Hearing Day are a great opportunity to raise awareness of hearing wellness,” says Santucci. “The vast majority of hearing health injuries are preventable, so this kind of outreach program has great potential for alerting people of the importance of smart, safe listening habits.”

Known as the experts in safe sound, Sensaphonics is a manufacturer of custom-fit in-ear monitors and hearing protection devices, designing products specifically to help musicians monitor safely and effectively. For more information, visit our hearing conservation page or the WHO website.

Umphrey’s McGee Talks About The Importance of Hearing Health

Umphrey’s McGee: Kris Myers on Ear Protection

センサフォニクスは業界で組織的福祉活動を通して聴覚の健康を喚起する手助けをしています。 (イリノイ州シカゴ 2016年3月4日)ワールド・ヒアリング・デイの祝賀にあたり、聴覚福祉のエキスパートであるセンサフォニクスは、聴覚の大切さの認識を上げる為にオンライン上のファンとともにスター揃いのミュージシャンと手を取り合いました。この活動に参加したアーティストは、コールドプレイ、マルーン5、デイブ・マシュー・バンド、リサ・ローブ、オーケー・ゴー、ザ・ルミニアーズ、アンフレーズ・マギーです。彼らのツイッターやフェイスブックなどのソーシャルメディアへの投稿は、#HearingDayと#RespectYourEarsのハッシュタグを用いられました。


ワールド・ヒアリング・デイは、世界保健機関(WHO)の世界的プログラムである「Make Listening Safe(リスニングを安全にしよう)」キャンペーンの一環です。WHOのレポートによると、12才から35才の若者の間では、50パーセント近くが個人的なオーディオ機器を安全でない音量で聴いており、40パーセントがナイトクラブやバー、スポーツ観戦で聴覚にダメージを与えるような音響にさらされています。ワールド・ヒアリング・デイ2016のテーマは、「子供時代の聴覚喪失:今行動を起こそう。ここに方法がある」でした。





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